
Friday, October 10, 2014

Batty about Bats!!!

What a batty week we had in kindergarten!!!! I am so impressed by how well my students learned our fun bat vocabulary words.  To assess their learning of the vocabulary words, I took them outside (lovely weather) and they drew one of the vocabulary words with sidewalk chalk.  There were some very good drawings.  They even showed parents after school!  Yay!

Check out our bat masks.  We played maracas and made noises while one of our friends was blindfolded.  They had to listen for the sounds and locate where the noise was coming from.  Here are pictures of the students in their masks.

There were many more activities throughout the week.  One of the best highlights of our week was a video I found on DeeDee Wills blog.  Thanks DeeDee, it was a hit!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Aloha! Back to School Night

Back to School Night was a great success.  I had 21 of my 23 little kindergartners show up this evening.  Some were so excited and others were scared and shy.  

I would like to give a huge shout out to Kim Adsit of kinder gals for her fabulous open house center package.  It was a huge success and parents seemed to really like it.  Plan on doing it next year.  

Here are some pictures of the centers and few more of my "paradise."
Reading area.  My daughter took pictures here.  I think they are going to be adorable.

My new organization and Carpet bags from Kinder Gals!  Love their ideas so much!

This will be our lunch choices.

Calendar Cove

Take a Fish- supply donation station

Eric Carle bags from Target Dollar spot- kids gifts, apple for parents

kids homework page.  Can't wait to see them on Wednesday.

Well, the knee is killing me.  Surgery two weeks ago and I thought I would be okay.  Boy was I wrong.  It's going to be a long week for my poor knee.  It was great to see all those cute little faces tonight.  I am going to try to be better at blogging this year and hopefully stay more organized.  

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Superhero Calendar Set

I am excited to create my newest product.  I hope to continue to figure out how to create new products.  Here is the link to my newest product:  If interested please check it out....

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Classroom tour

I cannot believe in just a little over two weeks we will already be returning to school. Since I am having knee surgery the 23rd I have been working on my classroom for the past few weeks off and on. I still have a few finishing touches, but here are some pictures of my progress. I took the plunge and got rid of my bulky teacher desk and did some major organizing.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Superhero Birthday Pages

I really want to begin making items to sell on Teachers Pay Teachers, but really do not know where to begin.  I created this Superhero Birthday Set for a friend.  I think it turned out pretty good for my 1st try.  Would love some opinions before I post it on TPT.

This is the 1st page of what I created.  I will post more after I get all the permissions I need to get.  Thank you!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Time for a Face Lift!

Even though I totally loved my shiny, bright blog page my dear friend Amber and I was time for a facelift!  Thanks to the for the darling background.  It was a struggle remembering how to do all of it.  I even learned a few new things..........check out my new pages link.  Hope you enjoy the new changes!  Would love any new suggestions to make it better and easier to navigate through.

Enjoy your spring break everyone!!!!!!